As I advised previously the new Conservative-led administration have ‘paused’ the Local Plan, i.e. it will not be implemented until further consultation has happened with the government Inspector.

Letters have been exchanged during which the current leaders of NEDDC have sought the advice of the Inspector over how they can further protect Green Belt areas ‘at risk’ (from development), including those identified within Killamarsh.

This is a tricky legal situation because of the policies put in place by the previous administration, and the fact that the Local Plan is a long way down the line of completion.

The Inspector has responded to say that she sees three options;

1. Continue with the current plan, with further consultation on minor changes already made (none of which helps us),

2. Review the evidence base in respect of site allocations to see whether any new evidence is available (this will involve further public consultation),

3. Withdraw the Plan (and presumably submit another Plan).

There is no indication at the moment as to which option NEDDC will pursue.

I am making my own representations to the new NEDDC on behalf of RAGE members, particularly in respect of the Green Lane site (where I have lots of relevant information) and the Rotherham Road site (where I have very little information).

I will keep you updated on developments, but I will not post for the sake of it; merely when something of relevance has happened.  It may be a while!

The two letters (initially from the Council, with a response from the Inspector) can be viewed at:-


When you reach this site select   ~   ‘Latest News and Updates’   then scroll down to 7/8/19 and you will see 2 x documents ED85 and ED86


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