Supporters Corner

Look here for any news on our group of Supporters

First & Foremost A big Thank You to all who are supporting us, either directly, by attending meetings or spreading the word about our group thereby increasing the support we have.    Thank you.

Comments of one of our members, Anthony Cross to NEDDC

Click here to read the wonderful and inspiring Comments of one of our members, Anthony Cross to NEDDC in anticipation of the up and comming consulation.

Meet our Supporters
“Congratulations to Roy Turner on achieving his PhD, with First Class Honours, in Earth Sciences.  Doctor Turner is a dedicated and enthusiastic member of the R.A.G.E. Committee, advising and researching areas relating to the Environment and the protection of our natural resources.  He is now involved in conducting voluntary research work on nuclear energy generation, whilst writing papers on environmental science.  His work was sponsored by the United Nuclear Energy Authority.  We wish him well for the future”.

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