This Green & Pleasant Land

Upperthorpe Road/Green Lane site

Here is a great photo emailed from Lee Phillips with a photograph taking on the Upperthorpe Road/Green Lane site (looking over towards Green Lane).  He took it whilst walking the dogs a few nights ago and said that, “If the proposed development goes ahead this view will be non-existent.”


Deer and Fawn on the road

Paul glanced out the window (on Simcrest) at 5am one morning recently and was thrilled to see a Deer and Fawn on the road – he used his mobile ‘phone to take the picture.  You might have to zoom in a bit but look just in front of the silver car (VTA) with it’s back to you and you can see the hindquarters of the Deer (with a white flash on her rear).  The fawn’s head is on her left but unfortunately it is blurred as it had been startled & was dashing away   ~   [Download not found]