UPDATE: ‘Environmental/Traffic’ Report Submitted on Behalf of Harworth Estates

I have received information that Coda Planning, on behalf of Harworth Estates, have submitted an ‘Environmental/Traffic’ report to, I believe, the Planning Department at NEDDC.  I have also been informed that NEDDC Consultants have prepared a report for Members about the process of either turning Green Belt into Building Land, or assessing Green Belt areas for their appropriateness to be used for building affordable homes.  Neither report is yet in the public domain, although there is a suggestion that the latter document will be available after it has been seen by Members at the end of the month.  I do not know whether this latter report defines the strategy for the Green Belt review, or the actual sites.  I will keep my eyes on the usual NEDDC sources of information.  Whilst the information is not precise it shows that matters may be coming to a head.

Could I ask everyone to keep their eyes and ears open for appropriate rumours or activity in respect of the Westthorpe area please.

Paul Johnson
(Residents Against Greenbelt Erosion)

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